Stormtech Canada Associate Handbook


1. PURPOSE Stormtech is committed to ensuring that associates are provided with the appropriate information to support their leave requests for Maternity/ Pregnancy, Parental and Adoption Leave. 2. SCOPE This policy applies to all Stormtech Associates working in Canadian locations. 3. POLICY Maternity/ Pregnancy Leave • Maternity or Pregnancy leave is granted to pregnant associates. This leave is available to all pregnant associates in British Columbia, regardless of the length of their employment, and to all pregnant associates in Ontario who have been employed for at least 13 weeks prior to the expected birth date. In Ontario, the associate must be considered an active employee the 13 weeks preceding the due date of the child and is not required to have worked the full 13 weeks. • Maternity/ Pregnancy is a leave of absence without pay. Pregnant employees have the right to take pregnancy leave of up to 17 weeks, or longer in certain circumstances, of unpaid time off work. • If the birth is delayed beyond the expected date, this has no effect on the length of the leave unless the period granted would exceed 17 weeks. In addition to the granted leave, an associate can apply for an additional six weeks leave, where appropriate. The associate may request, and the employer may grant a longer period of leave under the Employment Standards Act (Act). • The earliest a leave may begin in BC is 13 weeks prior to the expected birth date and in Ontario, 17 weeks prior to the expected birth date. • In Ontario, usually, the earliest a pregnancy leave can begin is 17 weeks before the associate’s due date. However, when an employee has a live birth more than 17 weeks before the due date, she will be able to begin her pregnancy leave on the date of the birth . • For further clarity around other provinces, please contact the People & Culture team. Parental Leave • An associate who requests parental leave under the Act is entitled to: − For a birth mother who takes leave under the Act, in relation to the birth of the child or children with respect to whom the parental leave is to be taken, up to 61 consecutive weeks of unpaid leave beginning immediately after the end of the leave taken unless the employer and associate agree otherwise. − For a birth mother who does not take leave under the Act in relation to the birth of the child or children, with respect to whom the parental leave is to be taken, up to 62 consecutive weeks of unpaid leave in BC (63 weeks in ON) beginning after the child's birth and within 78 weeks after that event. − For an adopting parent, up to 62 consecutive weeks of unpaid leave in BC (63 weeks in ON) beginning within 78 weeks after the child is placed with the parent.


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