Stormtech Canada Associate Handbook


1. PURPOSE Stormtech maintains work hours and provides breaks to associates which are compatible with provincial legislation, departmental functions, and the maintenance of effective work schedules. When business conditions necessitate, associates may be required to work overtime or additional hours of work. 2. SCOPE This policy applies to all Stormtech associates working in Canadian locations. 3. POLICY Standard Work Week • For payroll calculation purposes, the work week begins at 12:01 am on Sunday and ends at 12:00 midnight on Saturday. • The standard work week for full-time Associates is forty (40) hours, eight (8) hours daily. • Associates’ hours may not exceed the weekly hours of work as outlined unless otherwise approved by management and in accordance with provincial legislation. • All associates are expected to be actively at work for all paid hours of the day. Standard Working Hours • Standard working hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, inclusive of a thirty (30) minute unpaid lunch break, or 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, inclusive of a sixty (60) minute unpaid lunch break. To meet business requirements, there are work schedules in place beyond the standard working hours. • Where there is no business requirement, flexible work hours beyond the standard working hours may be permitted and will be reviewed case by case by management. In such situations, flexible work hours may range from a start time between 6:30 am and 9:30 am and finish between 3:00pm and 5:30 pm. Breaks • Associates will be provided with the opportunity to take one thirty (30) minute or one sixty (60) minute unpaid break after they have worked not more than five (5) consecutive hours. Arrangements may vary as dependent on department, coverage, and associates’ requirements. • Associates will be provided with two (2) additional fifteen (15) minute paid breaks throughout the workday. These breaks are not mandatory by law and are to be used when business volume permits. Associates must be actively at work a minimum of one and a half hours before taking a break. For example, an associate should not be taking a break until 1 ½ hours after starting their workday. Associates may not combine breaks to the end of their workday. Overtime • Overtime pay applies to all non-management associates regardless of employment status (full-time and part-time associates, not including associates exempt under the Employment Standards Act and Regulations). Eligible associates will be compensated (overtime pay or lieu time) according to provincial legislation. • For office associates, overtime hours documented for payment must be in increments of thirty (30) minutes.


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