Stormtech Associate Handbook Utah

• Or report the situation directly to People & Culture. Or should the incident involve allegations towards a manager, the situation should be reported directly to People & Culture. • And in critical or violent situations, whereby there is direct danger to the health and safety of an associate or group of Associates, dial ‘911’ for immediate emergency assistance. • An associate has the right to refuse to work where they have reason to believe that workplace violence is likely to endanger him/her. A work refusal investigation process would be followed. • Stormtech will investigate any and all complaints of violence and harassment promptly, thoroughly, and on a need to-know basis. Sensitive information such as identifying information of those involved will be handled so that it is not disclosed unless necessary to the investigation, corrective action or as required by law. The exact nature of the investigation will depend on the particulars of the situation at hand and will be appropriate based on the circumstances. During the course of the investigation, People & Culture or their designate, may take whatever interim steps he/she considers appropriate. Legal or other counsel may also be part of the investigation based on the circumstances. Upon completion of the investigation, the associate reporting the conduct and the associate alleged of having performed the conduct will be informed by the investigator of the results and any corrective action to be taken. • Associates who are found to be in direct violation of the Harassment and Violence-Free Workplace Policy are subject to disciplinary measures which may include Final Written Warning Letter or Termination for Cause. • To ensure this policy and supporting activities remain an important part of Stormtech’s work environment, Stormtech is committed to reviewing this policy at minimum annually, providing information and instruction on related policies upon hire and as deemed necessary, ensuring all associates understand and follow the policy expectations.


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