Stormtech Associate Handbook Utah
that could cause physical injury; a statement or behavior that is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against a worker. • This policy also considers members of the public who might pose a threat to Stormtech associates during the course of work. Examples of such behavior may be associates who are in situations of “domestic violence” and other threatening situations where there is a risk of harm to the associate and/or their immediate work team. • Violence may be defined as physical or psychologically aggressive behavior that includes but is not limited to: − Hitting, kicking, punching, shoving, pushing, slapping, grabbing, biting, carrying or brandishing weapons of any sort. − Throwing objects at an individual with a view to cause physical injury or fear. − Any threat, behavior or action which is interpreted to carry the potential to harm or endanger the safety of others, result in an act of aggression, or destroy or damage property. 4. POLICY • Stormtech strictly prohibits all forms of violence and harassment by anyone, including associates at any level, as well as customers, suppliers, third parties (where there is sufficient nexus to the employment context) or other business partners who interact with associates. All associates, at all levels, are subject to this policy without exemption. This policy also considers members of the public who might pose a threat to Stormtech associates during the course of work. • Stormtech will investigate every complaint of violence or harassment promptly and thoroughly. Stormtech will make every effort to treat the complaint with as much confidentiality as possible. • It is important for associates to recognize that violence and harassment not only violates Stormtech’s concern to have a healthy, safe, and collaborative working environment for all associates, but it also violates federal law. • If an investigation confirms that direct violence or harassment has occurred, Stormtech will take prompt, appropriate action, up to and including termination of employment for cause. • Stormtech strictly prohibits all forms of retaliation against anyone who reports acts of violence and/or harassment in good faith or who participates in a workplace violence or harassment investigation. • Stormtech will take accusations which are not based on truth just as seriously and any malicious accusations will result in appropriate disciplinary action. • Stormtech and its associates are responsible for keeping the workplace free from violence and harassment. We believe every associate has the right to work in an environment that is free from intimidation, harassment, and violence of any sort. 5. PROCEDURE Any associate who witnesses or experiences workplace violence or harassment in any form must promptly address it in one or more of the following ways: • If an associate feels that he/she is experiencing harassment in the workplace, you are encouraged to approach the person responsible for the offensive behavior (only if you are comfortable doing so). − Discuss his/her behavior, communicate your discomfort with it, and request that the behaviour stop immediately. Important Note: “The self-direct” approach is not appropriate in all situations, including where there is risk of violence if an associate feels personally threatened or otherwise uncomfortable. • Or inform your direct manager or a manager with whom you feel comfortable discussing the situation, about what has occurred. Once a manager has knowledge of any allegation or incident of violence or harassment, they must report it immediately to People & Culture.
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