Staff Handbook

40.Gross Misconduct You may be summarily dismissed (i.e. without notice) if you commit an act of Gross Misconduct. Generally this includes any breach of duty, conduct which brings the Company into disrepute or action which is inconsistent with the relationship required between employee and employer. The following are examples of Gross Misconduct offences and as such may render you liable to summary dismissal (i.e. Dismissal without notice and without previous warnings). This list is not exhaustive. • Fighting, physical assault or dangerous horseplay • Deliberate refusal or wilful failure to carry out a reasonable and lawful direct instruction given by management • Gross insubordination • The use of threatening or aggressive behaviour or excessive bad language • Being abusive to customers • Theft • Wilful damage or negligence involving damage to property belonging to the Company, other employees or the general public • Performing, arranging or carrying out any work or activity which could be considered to be in competition with, or which adversely affects in any way, the Company’s interests • Fraud or any other illegal offence committed against the Company • Drinking alcohol or taking drugs during working hours, being under the influence of alcohol/drugs and/or drug abuse • Breach of safety rules and/or any action which seriously endangers the health or safety of an employee or any other person whilst at work • Knowingly giving false information or deliberately omitting relevant information on the job application form or curriculum vitae • Unlawful discrimination • Unauthorised access to or disclosure of any confidential information from whatever source including any personal data under Data Protection legislation • Criminal offence causing harm to the reputation of the Company or relations with its employees • Unauthorised access to or disclosure of any part of the Company's computer data • Using the Company’s IT equipment to access obscene material • Gross immorality • Smoking in designated non-smoking areas • Abandoning duty without notification


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