Stormtech Canada Associate Handbook
1. PURPOSE Stormtech is firmly committed to preventing occupational illness and injury of all associates in the workplace, protecting the health and safety of contractors, subcontractors, customers, members of the public and visitors, and taking reasonable precaution to eliminate work-related illnesses and injuries. This policy outlines Stormtech’s commitments towards achieving our goal of a zero-injury workplace. 2. SCOPE This policy applies to all Stormtech associates working in Canadian locations. 3. POLICY • Stormtech is responsible and accountable for ensuring that health, safety, and wellness is effectively implemented and maintained in the workplace. Stormtech believes that associates’ optimal wellbeing and performance are supported by maintaining a healthy, safe, and well workplace. • All associates must accept responsibility of governing themselves to ensure their actions and the actions of co associates or direct reports do not endanger the health, safety, and well-being of fellow associates. It is the basic responsibility of all associates, management, and contractors to apply a commonsense approach to our jobs, and when identified, report all potential unsafe or unhealthy conditions to management’s attention. • To facilitate this policy and fulfill our commitments Stormtech will: − Develop, implement, and maintain a managed system of appropriate health, safety, and wellness programs. − Clearly communicate and visibly demonstrate that the health, safety, and wellness of our associates has overriding priority over other business interests to the point of undue hardship. − Create a work environment where health, safety and wellness are accepted as a personal responsibility and where each associate is accountable for his/her own performance. − Clearly articulate expectations regarding compliance and enforcement of applicable legislation. − Ensure that associates are provided with training and awareness of health and safety related procedures and practices. − Hold all associates, contractors, and subcontractors accountable for adhering to healthy and safe workplace practices and where required, apply progressive discipline or other measures to address non-compliance. − Ensure that contractors and their subcontractors maintain an equivalent minimum level of safety while working on premises or projects. − Ensure that all operations are conducted in a manner that meets or exceeds applicable legislation, procedures, and approved work practices. − Actively encourage input from associates to improve the effectiveness of related programs. − Provide appropriate resources to implement this policy. − Set realistic and measurable goals that promote continual improvement toward a zero-injury workplace. − In consultation with the Joint Health and Safety Committee, ensure that all other policies and operating procedures meet the goals of this policy.
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