Stormtech Associate Handbook Utah
• People that have business relations with Stormtech, whether it is customers, suppliers, or Associates, are to be treated in a respectful manner. Discrimination or harassment contrary to law will not be practiced or tolerated. Adherence to Current Law • All Associates are expected to comply with all laws applicable to the business of the Company. If any Associate is in doubt as to whether a particular course of action would contravene applicable law, he or she should discuss the proposed activity with management who in turn may consider seeking the guidance of appropriate Company legal counsel. Appropriation or Use of Company Assets • Associates are not permitted to borrow or to make use of Company funds or other assets or property for their own personal gain, use or benefit unless such benefits are derived as part of an authorized Company Associate compensation or benefit program, or are authorized in writing by the Chief Operating Officer or Chief Financial Officer. Furthermore, Associates must take all reasonable precautions to safeguard company assets and property. The Company name, property and goodwill must not be used by Associates for their personal advantage or the advantage of any third party. Electronic Mail (e-mail) • Where applicable, an Associate may be provided with an e-mail for Company-related business. Although there may be need for occasional use to communicate with friends and family, e-mail is intended to be used for business use only, and only in connection with the legitimate interests of the Company. Associates should have no expectation of privacy when using company e-mail. • Under no circumstances shall email messages include content that is offensive, libelous, illegal, derogatory, harassing, threatening or discriminatory. Sexually explicit language, cartoons, jokes, and images are also prohibited, as are racial and religious slurs and foul, inappropriate language. Under no circumstances shall an Associate permit another individual to use the Associate’s e-mail. Internet Access • Where applicable, an Associate may be provided with Internet access for Company-related business. Although there may be need for occasional personal use to communicate with friends and family, Associates are to use the Internet for business purposes only and only in connection with the legitimate interests of the Company. Associates should have no expectation of privacy when using the Company-provided Internet access. • Under no circumstances shall Associates use the Internet to access material or content that is offensive, libelous, illegal, derogatory, harassing, threatening or discriminatory. Accessing material or sites containing sexually explicit language, cartoons, jokes, and images is also prohibited, as are racial and religious slurs and foul, inappropriate language. Under no circumstances shall an Associate permit another individual to access the Internet using said Associate’s system access. Proper Maintenance of Records • All transactions of the Company must be properly recorded and accounted for on the books of the Company. This is essential to the integrity of the Company’s governmental and financial reporting obligations. In particular: − No unrecorded or inadequately recorded fund or asset of the Company is to be established or maintained. − No false, artificial, or misleading entries in the books and records of the Company is to be made, and − No transaction is to be affected and no payment is to be made on behalf of the Company with the intention or understanding that the transaction or payment is other than as described in the documentation evidencing the transaction or supporting the payment.
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