Stormtech Associate Handbook Utah


1. PURPOSE Associates may create or have access to confidential information during the course of their employment with Stormtech. This policy stipulates the requirements for use, disclosure, access, and protection of Stormtech’s confidential information. 2. SCOPE This policy applies to all Stormtech Associates working in the State of Utah. 3. DEFINITIONS • Confidential information - information of the company to which the general public does not and may not have access. This includes, without limitation: customer and prospect lists, information about customers and/or prospects, suppliers, vendors, and key employees, procedures, policies, strategies, research, business plans, financial data, price lists, formulae, inventions, trade secrets, techniques, technology, confidential reports, computer software, telephone lists, contract forms, files and all other information, knowledge, or data of any kind owned by and relating to Stormtech’s or its customers’ business (collectively “Confidential Information”). Confidential information also includes any work product of the associate during his or her employment with the company including emails, reports, memorandums, research, and other similar documentation. 4. POLICY • In the course of employment, associates will be exposed to Stormtech confidential information. Associates are prohibited from disclosing or duplicating such confidential information to non-associates except when there is a business requirement to do so or in the event disclosure is authorized. Upon termination of employment, the associate shall return all confidential information in the associate’s possession and will hold all confidential information in trust and confidence. • Unless instructed, associates are not authorized from speaking on behalf of the company. Associates may not publicly discuss clients, products, associates, or any work-related matters, whether confidential or not, outside company-authorized communications. • Associates are prohibited from accessing files, databases, and other company resources which they do not have authorization to access. • Associates with questions about the appropriateness of sharing information either internally or externally should address those questions to the Executive Team or People & Culture. • Those in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Violations may also result in legal action.


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