Stormtech Associate Handbook Utah
Animated publication
CONTENTS Welcome Message From The CEO .............................................................................................................................2 Business Compliance ..................................................................................................................................................3 Code of Ethics .............................................................................................................................................................5 Conflict of Interest ......................................................................................................................................................8 Health, Safety and Wellness .....................................................................................................................................10 Harassment and Violence Free Workplace ..............................................................................................................11 Equal and Inclusive Workplace.................................................................................................................................14 Confidential Information ..........................................................................................................................................16 Conflict Resolution ...................................................................................................................................................17 Hours Of Work ..........................................................................................................................................................19 Remote Work Policy .................................................................................................................................................20 Technology Use ........................................................................................................................................................22 Public And Statutory Holidays ..................................................................................................................................25 Vacation/Paid Time Off ............................................................................................................................................27 Pay Procedures .........................................................................................................................................................29 Maternity, Parental/Adoption Leave........................................................................................................................30 Jury Duty/Witness Leave ..........................................................................................................................................32 Court Leave...............................................................................................................................................................33 Military Leave ...........................................................................................................................................................34 Voting Leave .............................................................................................................................................................35 Travel and Entertainment.........................................................................................................................................36 Employment Verification..........................................................................................................................................39 Termination ..............................................................................................................................................................40
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It is my absolute pleasure to extend a heartfelt welcome to you as a valued member of the Stormtech family. We are honored to have you join our dynamic team where innovation, collaboration, and dedication are the cornerstones of our success. At Stormtech, we are not just a company; we are a community driven by a shared vision to push boundaries and make a positive impact in our environment and all that we do. Our success is built on the dedication and passion of our team members. Whether you’re in customer service, marketing, sales, warehouse operations, or any other department, your contribution is vital to our collective mission. As we embark on this journey together, I encourage you to embrace our core values of integrity, innovation, excellence, and accountability. We want to foster an environment where diversity is celebrated, ideas are welcomed, and every voice is heard. Our employee handbook serves as a guide to understanding our policies, procedures, and expectations. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with its contents, refer to it as needed, and reach out to our People & Culture team if you have any questions or need clarification. Additionally, know that our leadership team is here to support you every step of the way, andyour feedback is always valued.
Thank you for choosing to be a part of our journey. Warm Regards,
Blake Annable CEO, Stormtech USA
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1. PURPOSE For both Stormtech and its associates to be successful, associates are expected to adhere to certain standards of professional conduct to meet compliance of business operations and legal requirements. 2. SCOPE This policy applies to all Stormtech associates. 3. POLICY Stormtech expects associates to conduct themselves in a professional manner that is in compliance with legal requirements and business operations. The following is not an exhaustive list, it instead provides examples of standard conduct that is expected by all associates. All Associates shall: • Take personal responsibility and accountability for conducting themselves in a manner consistent with company policies. • Comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. • Contribute to and always maintain a professional work environment including appropriate language and behavior. • Provide responsive and professional service to customers, internal business units and colleagues. • Work cooperatively with others to achieve objectives, including giving and receiving constructive feedback as part of normal day-to-day work, considering others’ perspectives in order to reach agreements and maintaining good working relationships. • Protect the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and access to Stormtech information, data, and computing resources as well as any third-party proprietary information entrusted to Stormtech. • Complete all company documents and records accurately. • Carry out assigned duties and follow instructions. • Regularly and punctually attend to work, as well as returning from breaks and lunch on time. • Maintain confidentiality with regards to salary and performance discussions. • Maintain a healthy, safe, and productive work environment free from the consumption and influence of illegal and legal drugs and alcohol. An exception to the prohibition of the consumption of alcohol is made when it takes place at approved Company events or business functions. In such circumstances, associates are still considered representatives of the Company and are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, limiting their alcohol use to a level that does not place themselves, the Company, or others at risk of injury or liability. • Comply with Stormtech’s guidelines regarding conflict of interest, travel and entertainment, information disclosure, and equal opportunity. • Report to work in a manner that complies with the dress code guidelines, sign-in procedures, and reporting.
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Although not all inclusive, the following examples describe conduct that is considered a violation of business compliance policy: • Falsifying, changing, or making material omissions on any Company document, form, or record. Examples include but are not limited to financial or production documents or records, timesheets, employment applications, expense reports, or any other company records or reports. • Failure to display honesty and integrity in all business dealings. Examples include but are not limited to theft, misuse, or unauthorized use of another associate’s or Stormtech’s property, excessive personal phone use, use of Stormtech’s mail or other postal services for personal use and using email or internet services for inappropriate purposes. • Direct or indirect refusal to follow instructions from a member of management (permitted ethical, safe, and legal). • Offensive, aggressive, abusive, or undesirable conduct, language, pictures, electronic media, written material, or any other conduct that adversely reflects upon Stormtech, the Company’s image, name, or best interest. • Possession, distribution, sale, and/or use of alcoholic beverages or illegal and legal drugs while on Stormtech premises. This includes reporting to work or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal and legal drugs while in the workplace. Use of alcohol or illegal and legal drugs while operating a vehicle, equipment, forklifts, and other machines is strictly prohibited. Any situation that differs must be reviewed by the hiring manager and People & Culture. For example, cases where an associate is prescribed by a physician to use a prescribed legal medicine or drug such as to manage an injury. For the context of this policy, legal drugs refer to any prescription or legal drug that impairs one’s ability to perform their duties including but not limited to impairing: judgement, alertness, concentration, motor skills etc. • Any and all remarks, actions or other behaviour that might reasonably be interpreted as actual or threatened violence, whether in the actual workplace, surrounding parking facilities or off-site business activities. Conduct that does not meet the standards of conduct as set forth in this policy, violates the Company code of conduct, or conduct that is considered unethical or illegal, may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES Managers are responsible for • Adhering to this policy within his or her area of responsibility, enforcing the policy and procedures, to provide guidance to associates. Associates are responsible for • Adhering to the principles and rules set out in this policy.
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1. PURPOSE The Company is dedicated to maintaining its reputation for integrity and good corporate citizenship and expects all Associates to abide by basic principles of ethical and lawful business conduct. We place the highest value on the integrity of each Associate and Company representative. The Company’s fundamental principle of empowerment, ownership of the job, presumes that an Associate that can reasonably demonstrate that “they did what they did, and took the action they took, because they honestly felt that it was in the best interest of the Company”, can expect 100% support from the Company 100% of the time. Associates of the Company are expected to act consistently in accordance with the Company’s policies, mission, vision, and operating plans. 2. SCOPE This policy applies to all Stormtech Associates working in the State of Utah. 3. POLICY It is impossible in a document of this nature to cover the full spectrum of Associate activities or duties; however, the following are meant to be general guidelines provided to Associates of the Company to enable them to understand the type of conduct considered acceptable in carrying out their duties on behalf of the Company and, conversely, to delineate conduct that is not in the best interest of, or acceptable to, the Company. The Company provides this Code to its Associates to offer guidance in properly recognizing and resolving the legal and ethical issues that they may encounter while conducting the Company’s business or performing their duties. Inevitably, circumstances will arise, which are not covered by these guidelines that may cause Associates to question whether or not a particular activity falls within acceptable behavior. In these circumstances, Associates should discuss their proposed course of conduct with their immediate Manager, an executive of the Company, or the Chief Executive Officer. Any Associate who violates this Code shall be subject to disciplinary measures, which could lead to dismissal and/or to legal action brought against the Associate. The policies in this Code apply to all parts of the Company unless otherwise specifically noted and the Code is not intended to cover and address all Company policies or all applicable laws. The Code serves as the baseline, or a minimum requirement, which must always be followed by all Associates. The Code is to take precedence should there be any contradiction with any other policy and/or practice. The contents of this Code policy supersede and replace any previous Associate or corporate policy. The Company management reserves the right to unilaterally create exceptions to, modify, change, or revoke policies, including this Code, at any time without prior notice by the Company. This Code is complimentary to any legislation that provides greater or additional protection, entitlement and/or benefit to the Company. Human Relations • The Company is committed to Associates treating each other fairly, and to maintaining employment practices based on equal opportunity for all Associates. Associates will respect each other’s privacy and treat each other with dignity and respect irrespective of age, race, color, gender, religion, nationality or any other characteristic enumerated under the Human Rights Code. The Company is committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions and an atmosphere of open communication for all Associates.
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• People that have business relations with Stormtech, whether it is customers, suppliers, or Associates, are to be treated in a respectful manner. Discrimination or harassment contrary to law will not be practiced or tolerated. Adherence to Current Law • All Associates are expected to comply with all laws applicable to the business of the Company. If any Associate is in doubt as to whether a particular course of action would contravene applicable law, he or she should discuss the proposed activity with management who in turn may consider seeking the guidance of appropriate Company legal counsel. Appropriation or Use of Company Assets • Associates are not permitted to borrow or to make use of Company funds or other assets or property for their own personal gain, use or benefit unless such benefits are derived as part of an authorized Company Associate compensation or benefit program, or are authorized in writing by the Chief Operating Officer or Chief Financial Officer. Furthermore, Associates must take all reasonable precautions to safeguard company assets and property. The Company name, property and goodwill must not be used by Associates for their personal advantage or the advantage of any third party. Electronic Mail (e-mail) • Where applicable, an Associate may be provided with an e-mail for Company-related business. Although there may be need for occasional use to communicate with friends and family, e-mail is intended to be used for business use only, and only in connection with the legitimate interests of the Company. Associates should have no expectation of privacy when using company e-mail. • Under no circumstances shall email messages include content that is offensive, libelous, illegal, derogatory, harassing, threatening or discriminatory. Sexually explicit language, cartoons, jokes, and images are also prohibited, as are racial and religious slurs and foul, inappropriate language. Under no circumstances shall an Associate permit another individual to use the Associate’s e-mail. Internet Access • Where applicable, an Associate may be provided with Internet access for Company-related business. Although there may be need for occasional personal use to communicate with friends and family, Associates are to use the Internet for business purposes only and only in connection with the legitimate interests of the Company. Associates should have no expectation of privacy when using the Company-provided Internet access. • Under no circumstances shall Associates use the Internet to access material or content that is offensive, libelous, illegal, derogatory, harassing, threatening or discriminatory. Accessing material or sites containing sexually explicit language, cartoons, jokes, and images is also prohibited, as are racial and religious slurs and foul, inappropriate language. Under no circumstances shall an Associate permit another individual to access the Internet using said Associate’s system access. Proper Maintenance of Records • All transactions of the Company must be properly recorded and accounted for on the books of the Company. This is essential to the integrity of the Company’s governmental and financial reporting obligations. In particular: − No unrecorded or inadequately recorded fund or asset of the Company is to be established or maintained. − No false, artificial, or misleading entries in the books and records of the Company is to be made, and − No transaction is to be affected and no payment is to be made on behalf of the Company with the intention or understanding that the transaction or payment is other than as described in the documentation evidencing the transaction or supporting the payment.
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Political and Charitable Organizations •
All Associates are encouraged and entitled to make political and charitable contributions from their personal time and funds in the exercise of responsible citizenship. Corporate contributions, of any kind, to political organizations are to be approved by two officers of the Company, one of which will include the Chief Operating Officer or Chief Financial Officer. Involvement of full-time management associate in political and charitable organizations is not to deprive the Company of the time and attention the Associate is required to properly perform his or her duties unless previous approval is requested and received from an officer of the Company. Community Involvement and the Environment • The Company is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen of all the communities in which it does business. The Company and its Associates will abide by all national and local laws and will strive to improve the wellbeing of our communities through encouragement of Associate participation in civic affairs. • The Company and its Associates will strive to minimize our impact on the environment and encourage and practice the reduction, re-use, or recycling of all resources we use wherever practical. Responsibility to Report • All Associates have a duty to report to the Company management any workplace safety hazard and any violation of the Code or any other policy. Allegations will be investigated by the appropriate personnel, and upon the advice of Company legal counsel, may be reported to the appropriate authorities. Any Associate who in good faith raises an issue regarding possible violation of law or Company policy will not be subject to retaliation and their confidentiality will be protected to the extent possible, consistent with law, corporate policy, and the requirements to conduct an effective investigation.
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1. PURPOSE Stormtech is committed to conducting business in a manner that ensures business judgment and decision making is not influenced by undue personal interests. When personal interests either influence, have the potential to influence, or are perceived to influence decision making at Stormtech, a conflict-of-interest situation result. This policy explains which conflicts of interest may arise in the workplace and guidelines to follow when facing an actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest. 2. SCOPE This policy applies to all Stormtech associates working in the State of Utah. 3. DEFINITIONS Stormtech defines conflicts of interest broadly: • Actual conflicts of interest: the Associate faces a real, existing conflict. • Potential conflicts of interest: the Associate is in or could be in a situation that may result in a conflict. • Perceived conflicts of interest: the Associate is in or could be in a situation that may appear to be a conflict, even if this is not the case. Common examples of conflict of interest situations include, but are not limited to: personal workplace relationships (hiring or supervising a closely related person), external mandates (serving on the board of directors or advisory board of a Stormtech competitor), outside employment (having a second job with a Stormtech customer, supplier, or competitor), promoting personal financial interests (owning a substantial share of a Stormtech supplier while in a position to steer Stormtech business towards it), and receiving fees, commissions, discounts, gifts, entertainment, or services (receiving lavish gifts of a substantial value or cash from a Stormtech business partner). 4. POLICY • It is Stormtech’s policy that all associates must avoid any situation that creates or may create a conflict between their personal interests and the interests of Stormtech. • Associates must immediately disclose any conflicts of interest (actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest) or any situation that involves or may involve a conflict between the associate’s personal interests and the Company’s personal interests, to their Manager or People & Culture as soon as it becomes known. Having a conflict of interest may not necessarily be wrong and may be difficult to avoid in some cases; however, it can become a problem or a legal matter. As such, transparency in the form of disclosure is critical to protecting the integrity and reputation of Stormtech and Associates. • Each situation will be evaluated case by case to determine appropriate recourse. • Associates must disclose secondary employment to their respective manager to validate a conflict of interest does not exist. • Associates may engage in outside business activities, provided such activities are disclosed to their manager and do not adversely affect Stormtech or the associate’s job performance. Associates are prohibited from engaging in financial participation, outside employment or any business undertaking that is competitive with or prejudicial to the best interests of Stormtech.
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• Business is dynamic and as circumstances change, existing disclosures may no longer be accurate or complete. When this happens, associates must freshly disclose any new or emerging forms of conflict of interest.
Disclosure provides transparency to actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest risks to Stormtech. It is a necessary part of mitigating these risks, but disclosure alone is not sufficient. This policy also requires addressing a conflict of interest. Addressing a conflict of interest is the responsibility of the Manager. Stormtech expects the Manager to: • Disclose, manage, and treat the information disclosed by the associate with appropriate confidentiality and without bias. • Report the conflict of interest to People & Culture and the respective Department leader, to seek guidance and determine a resolution. • Fairly evaluate the conflict-of-interest situation disclosed by the associate, including the risks to the business interests and reputation of Stormtech, in conjunction with People & Culture and the Department Leader. • Make a pragmatic decision to address the conflict of interest so that risks to Stormtech are minimized and the interests of the associate and the Company are protected as far as possible. • Communicate the decision and its reasoning to the associate and follow up to ensure the associate understands and complies. Many conflicts of interest situations can be addressed in a simple and mutually acceptable manner; pro-active, open dialogue between Managers and associates is essential to supporting this outcome. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES Managers are responsible for • Adhering to this Policy within his or her area of responsibility, to lead by example, and to provide guidance to those associates reporting to him or her. Associates are responsible for • Disclosing when they have, potentially have, or could be perceived as having, a conflict of interest. • Consulting their Manager or People & Culture if in doubt about what circumstances might create a conflict of interest. People & Culture is responsible for • Supporting the resolution of conflict of interests within the organization and ensuring conflicts of interest are disclosed by new hires during the hiring process.
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1. PURPOSE Stormtech is firmly committed to preventing occupational illness and injury of all associates in the workplace, protecting the health and safety of contractors, subcontractors, customers, members of the public and visitors, and taking reasonable precaution to eliminate work-related illnesses and injuries. This policy outlines Stormtech’s commitments towards achieving our goal of a zero-injury workplace. 2. SCOPE This policy applies to all Stormtech associates working in the State of Utah. 3. POLICY • Stormtech believes that associates’ optimal wellbeing and performance are supported by maintaining a healthy, safe, and well workplace. • All associates must accept responsibility of governing themselves to ensure their actions and the actions of co associates or direct reports do not endanger the health, safety, and well-being of fellow associates. It is the basic responsibility of all associates, management, and contractors to apply a commonsense approach to our jobs, and when identified, report all potential unsafe or unhealthy conditions to management’s attention. • To facilitate this policy and fulfill our commitments Stormtech will: − Clearly communicate and visibly demonstrate that the health, safety, and wellness of our associates has overriding priority over other business interests to the point of undue hardship. − Create a work environment where health, safety and wellness are accepted as a personal responsibility and where each associate is accountable for his/her own performance. − Clearly articulate expectations regarding compliance and enforcement of applicable legislation. − Ensure that associates are provided with training and awareness of health and safety related procedures and practices. − Actively encourage input from associates to improve the effectiveness of related programs. − Provide appropriate resources to implement this policy. − Set realistic and measurable goals that promote continual improvement toward a zero-injury workplace. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES Managers are responsible for • Ensuring that safe and healthy work conditions are maintained in their area; ensuring that each associate receive all the necessary instruction and on the job training in order to perform the work required in a safe manner, minimizing the opportunity of personal injury. • Adhering to this policy within his or her area of responsibility, to lead by example, and to provide guidance to associates, referring to Health and Safety guidelines and practices put out by the Company. Associates are responsible for • Working safely following legislated and mandated safe work procedures, policies, and practices. • Communicating all accidents or potentially harmful or unsafe conditions to their manager immediately upon awareness.
1. PURPOSE Stormtech is committed to maintaining a work environment in which all associates are treated with dignity and respect. This policy establishes the Company’s commitment against workplace harassment and violence of any type while engaging in Company business, activities, or social events. This policy also provides the guidelines for identifying and reporting such incidents of violence and harassment. 2. SCOPE This policy applies to all Stormtech associates and contractors working in the State of Utah regardless of employment status. 3. DEFINITIONS Workplace Harassment • For the purpose of this policy, the definition of workplace harassment is any vexatious comment or conduct against a fellow employee, contractor, or costumer in a workplace that is known or ought to be known to be unwelcome. This includes any inappropriate conduct, comment, display, action, or gesture by a person that adversely affects the other persons’ psychological or physical well-being, and that the person knows or ought reasonably to know would cause the person to be humiliated or intimidated; and/or constitutes a threat to their health and safety. • Harassment may consist of racial or gender-based jokes or slurs; aggressive, intimidating and/or sexual remarks, gestures, or physical contact; or the display or circulation of written materials, cartoons, drawings or photographs derogatory to any individual. Harassment can take many forms and be based on, but not limited to, race, colour, ancestry, ethnicity, place of origin, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, physical or mental disability, age, political belief, conviction of a criminal or summary conviction offence unrelated to their employment. • Reasonable action taken by an employer or manager relating to the management and direction of workers is not workplace harassment. I.e.: performance management, delegation, redirection, disciplinary action, mediation meetings etc. • Workplace sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to: − Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, unwelcome physical contact, where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. − Making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the worker and the person knows or ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome. − Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual. − Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, offensive or hostile work environment. Workplace Violence • For the purpose of this policy, the definition of workplace violence is the exercise of physical force by a person against a worker that causes or could cause physical injury; an attempt to exercise physical force against a worker
that could cause physical injury; a statement or behavior that is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against a worker. • This policy also considers members of the public who might pose a threat to Stormtech associates during the course of work. Examples of such behavior may be associates who are in situations of “domestic violence” and other threatening situations where there is a risk of harm to the associate and/or their immediate work team. • Violence may be defined as physical or psychologically aggressive behavior that includes but is not limited to: − Hitting, kicking, punching, shoving, pushing, slapping, grabbing, biting, carrying or brandishing weapons of any sort. − Throwing objects at an individual with a view to cause physical injury or fear. − Any threat, behavior or action which is interpreted to carry the potential to harm or endanger the safety of others, result in an act of aggression, or destroy or damage property. 4. POLICY • Stormtech strictly prohibits all forms of violence and harassment by anyone, including associates at any level, as well as customers, suppliers, third parties (where there is sufficient nexus to the employment context) or other business partners who interact with associates. All associates, at all levels, are subject to this policy without exemption. This policy also considers members of the public who might pose a threat to Stormtech associates during the course of work. • Stormtech will investigate every complaint of violence or harassment promptly and thoroughly. Stormtech will make every effort to treat the complaint with as much confidentiality as possible. • It is important for associates to recognize that violence and harassment not only violates Stormtech’s concern to have a healthy, safe, and collaborative working environment for all associates, but it also violates federal law. • If an investigation confirms that direct violence or harassment has occurred, Stormtech will take prompt, appropriate action, up to and including termination of employment for cause. • Stormtech strictly prohibits all forms of retaliation against anyone who reports acts of violence and/or harassment in good faith or who participates in a workplace violence or harassment investigation. • Stormtech will take accusations which are not based on truth just as seriously and any malicious accusations will result in appropriate disciplinary action. • Stormtech and its associates are responsible for keeping the workplace free from violence and harassment. We believe every associate has the right to work in an environment that is free from intimidation, harassment, and violence of any sort. 5. PROCEDURE Any associate who witnesses or experiences workplace violence or harassment in any form must promptly address it in one or more of the following ways: • If an associate feels that he/she is experiencing harassment in the workplace, you are encouraged to approach the person responsible for the offensive behavior (only if you are comfortable doing so). − Discuss his/her behavior, communicate your discomfort with it, and request that the behaviour stop immediately. Important Note: “The self-direct” approach is not appropriate in all situations, including where there is risk of violence if an associate feels personally threatened or otherwise uncomfortable. • Or inform your direct manager or a manager with whom you feel comfortable discussing the situation, about what has occurred. Once a manager has knowledge of any allegation or incident of violence or harassment, they must report it immediately to People & Culture.
• Or report the situation directly to People & Culture. Or should the incident involve allegations towards a manager, the situation should be reported directly to People & Culture. • And in critical or violent situations, whereby there is direct danger to the health and safety of an associate or group of Associates, dial ‘911’ for immediate emergency assistance. • An associate has the right to refuse to work where they have reason to believe that workplace violence is likely to endanger him/her. A work refusal investigation process would be followed. • Stormtech will investigate any and all complaints of violence and harassment promptly, thoroughly, and on a need to-know basis. Sensitive information such as identifying information of those involved will be handled so that it is not disclosed unless necessary to the investigation, corrective action or as required by law. The exact nature of the investigation will depend on the particulars of the situation at hand and will be appropriate based on the circumstances. During the course of the investigation, People & Culture or their designate, may take whatever interim steps he/she considers appropriate. Legal or other counsel may also be part of the investigation based on the circumstances. Upon completion of the investigation, the associate reporting the conduct and the associate alleged of having performed the conduct will be informed by the investigator of the results and any corrective action to be taken. • Associates who are found to be in direct violation of the Harassment and Violence-Free Workplace Policy are subject to disciplinary measures which may include Final Written Warning Letter or Termination for Cause. • To ensure this policy and supporting activities remain an important part of Stormtech’s work environment, Stormtech is committed to reviewing this policy at minimum annually, providing information and instruction on related policies upon hire and as deemed necessary, ensuring all associates understand and follow the policy expectations.
EQUAL AND INCLUSIVE WORKPLACE 1. PURPOSE Stormtech is an equal opportunity employer and strives to provide a work environment which is inclusive and offers all associates with equal opportunity employment practices. 2. SCOPE This policy applies to all Stormtech associates working in the State of Utah. 3. POLICY This policy addresses our responsibilities under the US Federal and State of Utah Laws. As such: • Stormtech is committed to ensuring all employment decisions are made based upon bona fide and valid job requirements and that its corporate activities, including all policies, practices, and procedures will be equal and inclusive. • Stormtech is committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements. • Employment decisions will made without regard to age, race, color, ancestry, citizenship, ethnic origin, place of origin, creed, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, breastfeeding, AIDS/HIV, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identify, gender expression, military or veteran status, record of offences for which have been pardoned and unrelated criminal conviction or other Human Rights Codes’ criteria. • This policy acknowledges our duty as an employer to review and provide individual accommodation requirements (to the point of undue hardship); minimize the need for individual accommodation by ensuring that any rules, policies, standards, or practices are equal and inclusive; provide education and awareness on discrimination and harassment policies and processes; ensure internal processes and complaint procedures are in place; and remove barriers. • Stormtech recognizes the diversity of its workforce and is committed to ensuring that all employees can effectively and efficiently use their skills and experience to contribute to the organization’s performance, production, and service delivery. This includes the opportunity to participate, without discrimination, in both work-related and other activities conducted within a work context. PROCESS • People & Culture will investigate and respond to any associate or applicant concerns to ensure Equal and Inclusive provisions are not compromised and appropriate corrective action is taken to keep within this policy. • Stormtech will respond in a timely, confidential, and sensitive manner to requests for individual workplace accommodation or other inclusion related matters.
All Stormtech associates are responsible for maintaining an equal employment opportunity environment, regardless of their position; this includes business partners, suppliers, customers, applicants, or others who interact with Associates. People & Culture, Management and the Executive Team are responsible for • Ensuring that all employment decisions (for example: compensation, recruitment, promotions, training and education, terminations, etc.) will be administered in adherence to this policy and the applicable legislation. Associates are responsible for • Advising managers of any barriers to inclusion and equal opportunity that she/he identifies and requesting accommodation where the need arises.
1. PURPOSE Associates may create or have access to confidential information during the course of their employment with Stormtech. This policy stipulates the requirements for use, disclosure, access, and protection of Stormtech’s confidential information. 2. SCOPE This policy applies to all Stormtech Associates working in the State of Utah. 3. DEFINITIONS • Confidential information - information of the company to which the general public does not and may not have access. This includes, without limitation: customer and prospect lists, information about customers and/or prospects, suppliers, vendors, and key employees, procedures, policies, strategies, research, business plans, financial data, price lists, formulae, inventions, trade secrets, techniques, technology, confidential reports, computer software, telephone lists, contract forms, files and all other information, knowledge, or data of any kind owned by and relating to Stormtech’s or its customers’ business (collectively “Confidential Information”). Confidential information also includes any work product of the associate during his or her employment with the company including emails, reports, memorandums, research, and other similar documentation. 4. POLICY • In the course of employment, associates will be exposed to Stormtech confidential information. Associates are prohibited from disclosing or duplicating such confidential information to non-associates except when there is a business requirement to do so or in the event disclosure is authorized. Upon termination of employment, the associate shall return all confidential information in the associate’s possession and will hold all confidential information in trust and confidence. • Unless instructed, associates are not authorized from speaking on behalf of the company. Associates may not publicly discuss clients, products, associates, or any work-related matters, whether confidential or not, outside company-authorized communications. • Associates are prohibited from accessing files, databases, and other company resources which they do not have authorization to access. • Associates with questions about the appropriateness of sharing information either internally or externally should address those questions to the Executive Team or People & Culture. • Those in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Violations may also result in legal action.
1. PURPOSE Stormtech is committed to fostering an environment where associates work together effectively. Stormtech emphasizes the importance of teamwork, open communication, and a respectful workplace where there is early resolution of work-related problems. Stormtech provides informal and formal processes for responding to the work related problems and concerns of associates. 2. SCOPE This policy applies to all Stormtech associates working in the State of Utah. 3. POLICY • Stormtech encourages an environment where associates have prompt access to their manager or to People & Culture to discuss and resolve a work-related issue. • Associate and Manager resolution of a workplace problem may include various options, including: − Listening and serving as a sounding board for the associate. − Coaching the associate on how to discuss the issue and raise the issue in a constructive way with another individual or management. − Providing relevant information and referring the associate to other appropriate resources. − Facilitating discussion between the associate and another individual. − Reviewing a range of approaches and helping the associate think through the merits of each. • All members of management at Stormtech are responsible for maintaining a work environment where work related differences or concerns can be discussed and resolved. Informal Process • Associates who have work-related problems, concerns or suggestions may first discuss directly with the associate, supervisor, or manager that they are experiencing the concerns within an atmosphere of mutual respect, if they feel comfortable to do so. • Alternatively, associates should seek advice from their direct Manager or People & Culture to discuss the matter and work out a solution or approach to resolving the problem in a timely manner. Formal Process • The formal process is available for associates who have work-related problems, concerns, or suggestions after attempting to resolve informally, or immediately for more complicated or critical issues. • Associates may file their concerns formally to People & Culture or their manager unless the issue lays with this individual. The formal process may also include external third parties where this is necessary (for example: for external objectivity, formal mediation, or legal concerns). • The formal process includes interviewing, investigation and mediation as required. This process is documented and maintained in a secured location.
4. RESPONSIBILITIES Every member of management is responsible for • Listening, understanding, discussing, and assisting associates in resolving problems or concerns that arise at work. • Creating an environment where full consideration is given to the work-related problems, concerns, or suggestions of associates. • Being available for associates who would like to discuss concerns, preferably within forty-eight (48) hours, but as soon as time permits. • Listening carefully to the concerns of the associate and taking appropriate steps to aid in resolution. • Seeking advice from the department leader and People & Culture to aid in solution as appropriate. • Being familiar with available resources and making appropriate referrals. • Promptly reporting and taking the necessary steps to resolve issues dealing with real or implied violence or actions that would jeopardize safety, business operations or have a financial impact upon the Company. • Adhering to the policy and maintaining strict confidentiality except where disclosure is required to resolve and progressive to resolution (i.e.: disclosure to third party meditator etc.). Stormtech is responsible for • Assessing the risk of violence to associates and minimizing those risks where necessary or reasonably possible. • Responding promptly and appropriately to all reported incidents of conflict and escalating situations of violence and harassment through investigations and ensuring appropriate action is taken. • Providing information and instruction to ensure all Associates understand this policy and their responsibilities to ensure conflict is mitigated and a harassment- and violence-free workplace is maintained. • Maintaining strict confidentiality except where disclosure is required to resolve and progressive to resolution (i.e.: disclosure to third party meditator etc.). Associates are responsible for • Discussing items of concern, suggestions or issues with their immediate manager or People & Culture, such that issues do not remain unresolved, impact working relations or business operations. • Maintaining strict confidentiality of issues discussed.
1. PURPOSE Stormtech maintains work hours and provides breaks to associates which are compatible with State legislation, departmental functions, and the maintenance of effective work schedules. 2. SCOPE This policy applies to all Stormtech associates working in the State of Utah. 3. POLICY Standard Work Week • For payroll calculation purposes, the work week begins at 12:01 am on Sunday and ends at 12:00 midnight on Saturday. • All associates are expected to be actively at work for all paid hours of the day. Standard Working Hours • Standard working hours are as per your Employment Agreement. Breaks • Associates will be provided with the opportunity to take one thirty (30) minute unpaid break after they have worked not more than five (5) consecutive hours. Arrangements may vary as dependent on department, coverage, and associates’ requirements. • Reasonable accommodations will be provided for associates with pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and related conditions. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES Managers are responsible for • Ensuring associates are provided with the opportunity to take a thirty (30) minute unpaid break after they have worked not more than five (5) consecutive hours. • Validating and approving time keeping records (i.e., timesheets). Associates are responsible for • Being on the job and ready to work at their scheduled start time. • Adhering to the break schedule and being actively at work for all paid hours of the day. • Accurately completing time keeping records (i.e., timesheets).
1. POLICY BRIEF & PURPOSE Stormtech maintains Our Employee remote work policy outlines our guidelines for employees who work from a location other than our offices. We want to ensure that both employees and our company will benefit from these arrangements. 2. SCOPE This policy applies to employees whose primary work location is not at our offices on a temporary or permanent basis. 3. POLICY ELEMENTS Remote working may be a temporary and/or permanent agreement between employees and managers to work from a non-office location for a period specified by your manager. While working remotely employees agree to provide and perform their duties and service to the Company, to the best of their ability, and to devote their attention, skill, and effort at all times in compliance with policies, directions and instructions given to you by your manager on behalf of the Company. Your job description, duties, hours and times of work, manner of remuneration and the location where you perform your job may change from time to time and that the company has the right to make these changes in the best interest of its business and future. To ensure continuity of business and high service standards please use the following guidelines when conducting remote work. Guidelines for employees to follow when working remotely. • Employees to confirm with their managers their primary work address and phone number while working remotely. Your work remote address should be a private space. • Choose a quiet and distraction-free working space. • Discuss with your manager your Performance Expectations and short-term goals while working remotely. • Employees are expected to work standard working hours. All staff must be online and readily available for communication on teams with their coworkers during business hours. • Adhere to breaks and attendance schedules agreed upon with your manager. Computer Depending on your situation, you will be set up with one of the following: 1. VPN access, if you already have a laptop.
2. Remote desktop access from your personal home computer, if you have a home computer. 3. Remote desktop access and a desktop computer if you do not have a home computer. Technology Policy
All employees should continue to follow the Technology Use Policy while working from home. This includes safe browsing, using strong passwords, taking care of equipment, and limiting personal use of the internet to reduce distractions.
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