Stormtech Associate Handbook Florida


1. POLICY BRIEF & PURPOSE Stormtech maintains Our Employee remote work policy outlines our guidelines for employees who work from a location other than our offices. We want to ensure that both employees and our company will benefit from these arrangements. 2. SCOPE This policy applies to employees whose primary work location is not at our offices on a temporary or permanent basis. 3. POLICY ELEMENTS Remote working may be a temporary and/or permanent agreement between employees and managers to work from a non-office location for a period specified by your manager. While working remotely employees agree to provide and perform their duties and service to the Company, to the best of their ability, and to devote their attention, skill, and effort at all times in compliance with policies, directions and instructions given to you by your manager on behalf of the Company. Your job description, duties, hours and times of work, manner of remuneration and the location where you perform your job may change from time to time and that the company has the right to make these changes in the best interest of its business and future. To ensure continuity of business and high service standards please use the following guidelines when conducting remote work. Guidelines for employees to follow when working remotely. • Employees to confirm with their managers their primary work address and phone number while working remotely. Your work remote address should be a private space. • Choose a quiet and distraction-free working space. • Discuss with your manager your Performance Expectations and short-term goals while working remotely. • Employees are expected to work standard working hours. All staff must be online and readily available for communication on teams with their coworkers during business hours. • Adhere to breaks and attendance schedules agreed upon with your manager. Computer Depending on your situation, you will be set up with one of the following: 1. VPN access, if you already have a laptop.

2. Remote desktop access from your personal home computer, if you have a home computer. 3. Remote desktop access and a desktop computer if you do not have a home computer. Technology Policy

All employees should continue to follow the Technology Use Policy while working from home. This includes safe browsing, using strong passwords, taking care of equipment, and limiting personal use of the internet to reduce distractions.


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