Staff Handbook
1. Introduction Welcome to Stormtech Europe Ltd. We hope that your employment with us will be rewarding and enjoyable. This Handbook should be used as a guide throughout your employment. It is important that you familiarise yourself with its contents and refer to it as and when necessary. It sets out various rules that you must abide by as well as policies and procedures relevant to your employment. It also contains information about your benefits and entitlements, and how you may be able to access them. The information included in this handbook applies to all employees and should be read in conjunction with your individual Written Statement of Employment. Unless expressly stated, none of the contents form part of your contract of employment and may be revised or extended at any time. If you have any questions about the contents of this Handbook, or need any further clarification, please contact your line manager. 2. Working Hours Working hours are detailed in your Written Statement of Employment. You are required to attend punctually for work and to notify your line manager immediately if you will be late or unable to attend work. Any absence from work should be agreed in advance with your line manager. You will find the procedures for arranging time off in a number of different circumstances contained elsewhere in this handbook (e.g. holiday, sickness, etc.) If you have a need to leave work prior to your normal finishing time (including if you wish to work through your lunch break in order to leave early) or to have time away during the normal working period, you must obtain permission in advance from your line manager. In such circumstances, you must report to your line manager upon leaving and, where appropriate, returning to work. Persistent lateness, unacceptable levels of absence and/or unauthorised absence will result in disciplinary action. 3. Pay and Review The method of pay and payment intervals are set out in your Written Statement of Employment. An itemised pay statement will be issued to you for each pay period. You should raise any queries about pay with your line manager. Any change in your pay will be notified to you. The Company cannot guarantee that there will be an annual pay increase.
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