Staff Handbook UK

40.Grievance Procedure Where you have a grievance relating to any aspect of your employment you should have no hesitation in raising the matter with your line manager. Unless you wish for your grievance to be dealt with informally, you should set it out in writing. It is the Company’s intention to consider all grievances as soon as possible, and where appropriate a meeting will be held normally within 5 working days of the grievance being raised. The meeting will enable you to give full details. The outcome will be provided to you in writing. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the grievance procedure you have the right to appeal within 5 working days of receiving it. Your appeal should be made in writing to the Proprietor and set out the grounds for your appeal. Where appropriate a meeting will be held normally within 5 working days of receipt of your appeal. You are entitled to be accompanied by a fellow employee or accredited trade union representative at the grievance and appeal hearings. The outcome of the appeal will be provided to you in writing, normally within 5 working days. The decision reached at the appeal stage is final and there is no further right of appeal. 41.Disciplinary and Dismissal Procedure The purpose of the Disciplinary and Dismissal Procedure is to outline a recognised and consistent system to deal with any breach of the rules, unauthorised absence, poor performance, poor attendance, or termination of employment. The objective is to emphasise and encourage improvements in individual conduct. Minor misconduct or underperformance will normally be dealt with initially on an informal basis. The formal Procedure would only normally commence if informal intervention did not result in an adequate improvement. An investigation will normally be undertaken into the circumstances of any misconduct offence prior to the implementation of any formal disciplinary action; the extent of any investigation will depend on the nature of the allegation. Where an allegation amounts to potential gross misconduct, you may be suspended on full pay as a precaution whilst the investigation progresses.


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