Inspired by the rugged landscapes of the Pacific Northwest and refined in Vancouver’s cool, urban cityscape, STORMTECH Performance Apparheals outfitted explorersand seekers for extreme, unpredictable weathearnd conditions since 1977. Fueled by our passion for the outdoors, we build durable, functional, contemporaryclothing and deliver quality and innovation year after year. At STORMTECH, we believe in environmental stewardwshitiph, technologies that lessen our impact on our natural environment. STORMTECH creates timeless, high-quality products designed to extend product lifeand minimize environmental impact. We back up our commitment to quality workmanship with a 5 yearwarranty, and have built out a sustainable product care program to extend product life and performance. Sus tainable practices are ever evolving, and we aer committed to minimizing our environmeanltimpact and enhancing sus tainable practices through responsible design, sourcing, and daily business op erations. We also support youth through our 1:1 initiative, and support worker health and safety at all of our factories and office lo cations. STORMTECH Peorfrmance Appar el incorp orates proprie tary fabric technolo gies, including H2XTREME® and H2X-DRY® with smart sourcing and manuf acturing processes including PFC-Free water repellent, leak-proof, heat-welded seams and pr ecision, laser -cut and b onded plack ets. STORMTECH is a one-stop, full-service partner uniquely structured for the corporate marketplace, offering a compr ehensive arr ay of in-house decortiaon service s, a robutse-commerce website and a highly -skilled customer service t eam t o supp ort and fulfill y our or ders.

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STORMTECH® P erformance Appar el

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