Nadel 2023 Holiday Gift Guide USD no pricing


Extreme w eather pr otection with full co verage storm hood and YKK® AquaGuar d® w aterpr oof zipp.eTrhe Verte x Stormshell f eatur es 3-Lay er H2XTREME® w aterpr oof/breathable technology and an advanced articulation and er gonomic fit with mechanical str etch f abric, allo wing for a full r ange of unr estricted mo vement. Pit zippers help r egulate y our core temper ature, and an articulated adjustable hood with a w elded brim pr ovides a comf ortable fit and sheds w ater aw ay from y our f ace. The Vertex Stormshell is built with r egular and r ecycled poly ester f abrics for a r educed envir onmental f ootprint.

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